Korea - Seoul Shopping + Eating Trip
18 - 20 Jun, 2011
18 - 20 Jun, 2011
Flight: Asiana Airline
Hotel: PJ Hotel
I have not been to many place in Korea, but below is my 3 days trip Itinerary for your reference! Hope it helps :)
Day 1 Schedule
Morning: Airport > PJ Hotel > Sauna (汗蒸幕)
Night: Red Tent Street Stalls (紅帳幕大排檔) > Doota Shopping PJ Hotel
Day 2 Schedule
Afternoon: Jung Sik Dang > EWHA Uni Lane > Egg Pancake > Baskin Robbins
Night: Dongdaemung > Yoogane > PJ Hotel
Day 3 Schedule
Afternoon: Myeongdong > Ginseng Chicken Soup (百濟蔘雞湯) > O'sulloc Tea House
Night: Krispy Kreme > Mister Donut > PJ Hotel > Airport