Beef & Liberty - Dry Burgers

Price: $$
Cravingness: ★★☆☆☆

Among numerous burger restaurants in Hong Kong, Beef & Liberty is a popular choice known for great burgers. I had been longing to try the burgers here and held great expectation. I came over on a Sunday for brunch but the restaurant was packed. I waited around half an hour for a table for four. Not too bad giving its popularity.

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Beef & Liberty, originated from Shanghai, provides the best burger ingredients to diners by serving only hormone free grass fed from Cape Grim in Tasmania, which was said to have the cleanest air in the world! The naturally raised cow tends to produce beef with leaner meats, high in Omega-3 fatty acid and Vitamin E. Sounds very promising, right?

Located a floor above Pizza Express on Star Street, the whole building is made with floor to ceiling window which allows sufficient sunlight to shine through the whole building. (Also meaning you don't walk too close to the window if you are wearing skirt!) Beef & Liberty is spacious with high ceiling. Eyes are naturally drawn onto the impressive mural by LA based street artists Cyrcle.

Service is excellent at Beef & Liberty, servers are amiable and helpful and the food comes in appropriate timing.

The menu at Beef & Liberty is easy to read with good range of choices - four appetisers, 9 burgers, 4 sides, 4 salads and 3 desserts for selection. The drink list is extended, from fruit juices, house made lemonade to Liquors and wines, all available at your request.

Liberty Lemonade - HKD30
The lemonade was said to be complimentary as we liked their facebook page, however we found out later they still charged on the bill... Anyway, the lemonade was alright, not sour enough for my liking.

Scotch Egg - HKD68
An excellent appetiser to kick start the meal, the old English Pork ball made crispy was meaty and flavourful. It was paired with quail egg, slightly less powerful in taste than the normal egg but still good.

Black Pepper Burger + Bacon - HKD113+15
The burger is reasonably priced in good portion. The burger bun is a Sourdough made in house, it was made very crispy on the outside, soft and chewy on the inside. It is interesting that Beef & Liberty uses sourdough, but I don't like it too much.

The burger combination was great, all flavours compliment each other well. The beef patty was meaty, lean, juicy but unfortunately weak on beef flavour. The sharp peppercorn taste was balance excellently with the sweet onion jam. The ogleshield cheese was flavourful, adding extra kick to the burger. The Wicks English was made utterly crispy, smokey and flavourful.

Lamb Burger - HKD103
My first bite into the Welsh lamb burger was pleasant because the lamb was very gamey which I love. The creamy mint yogurt with cumin was a heavenly pair with the lamb. However I soon found the patty was overly dry in texture which made the burger no longer enjoyable.

Sweet Potato Fries - HKD32
Good sweet potato fries in generous portion. Made crispy in the outside and soft on the inside. Yum!

I was very let down by Beef & Liberty's burger as I previously held a high expectation on it. The beef burger lacked flavour and the lamb burger was too dry to taste. Overall Beef & Liberty was not something that would wow me.

Food - ★★☆☆
Service - ★★
Ambience - ★★★★☆
Overall - ★★☆☆

Beef & Liberty
Address (E) 2/F, 23 Wing Fung St., Admiralty , Hong Kong
Address (C) 香港金鐘永豐街23號2樓
☏ 2811 3009
Opening Hours: Mon - Sun: 11am - 11pm
Reservation Available? Yes
Walk In Possible? Yes

Want to try Beef & Liberty? Make your free reservation today at Chope!
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Date of Dining: 17 July 2014
Bill in Total (Lunch inc Beverages) - HKD421
Bill Per Person (Lunch inc. Beverages) - HKD211

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  1. would be nice to have a chope book now button for Beef&Liberty.

    1. Dear Fanny, I will talk to Chope and see if it's possible to :)

  2. I definitely agree that the Beef & Liberty burgers did not meet my expectations. For a place that brags about the beef they import from Australia and how they hand make their patties twice a day, their burgers lack beef flavor. I did enjoy their fries and variety of dipping sauces though.

    Have you tried The Diner in Central? Their burgers are a good portion are very flavorful. I also like the American diner atmosphere.

    1. Hi Sam,

      Ya I got very disappointed, but I am going back again and give them a second chance. Hopefully they have changed the recipe slightly and offer better patty.

      I haven't tried the Diner yet, have been wanting to go. However I am going to Chicago next month, so I will probably savour burgers in diners in America sooner LOL.
