ZAVVA X Sakura Cupcakes Christmas Edition Gift Set

We wish you a Merry Christmas~ it's almost my favourite festival in a year, Christmas! I am seeing more and more Christmas decorations and lights at malls and restaurants which got me superb excited! To celebrate Christmas, two Hong Kong's homegrown brand team ZAVVA and Sakura Cupcakes team up this year and created a festive treat for everyone! Are you ready for some shots and cupcakes? :)

Photo from Zavva
The limited edition gift box as shown above is a white paper box with clear window that holds 6 ZAVVA shoots (3 Black Pearl and 3 China White) and 6 Sakura Cupcakes (3 Black Pearl and 3 China White). Below is a mini version of the gift set for my try out.

Let's try ZAVVA shots first! I think what differentiates ZAVVA shots from all other brands is the special design of the container where it is split in half to hold two liqueurs in it, so you can taste the shot in a go, or have a little sip of the taste separately before taking the shot.

The Black Pearl Shot

The Black Pearl shot seems to hold less liqueur than a normal shot. The shot is very sweet with coffee taste like Bailey and it is not too strong. The Black Pearl should be loved by ladies.

The China White Shot

The China White shots is a butterscotch based shots with light cream pairing. It is a more smoothing and creamy shot with a honey note in it.

The Black Pearl Cupcake

The Black Pearl cupcake itself is moist and buttery. The cake is said to have coffee cream filling but I could not really taste it. The frosting is made with the ZAVVA Black Pearl shoot, it is sweet with a strong coffee taste and a smoothing vanilla note to it. The frosting has a mildly strong alcohol taste and again tasted very Baileys to me.

The China White Cupcake

To My surprise, the China White cupcake is sweeter than the Black Pearl cupcake. The China White cupcake is a vanilla bean cake based cupcake filled with butterscotch and topped with butterscotch frosting. The inner butter scotch filling has a rather sandy texture and has a strong caramel taste and hence very sweet. Fortunately the vanilla cake itself and the frosting are not too sweet and could bring down the sweetness overall.

The gift pack as a whole leans to the sweet side. It is more a female gift than a man gift. I think it would be a great gift for afternoon girls home party.

The limited festive gift pack is priced at HKD150 and will be available during the holiday season in Decemeber. If you are interested in the gift set, you can find the purchasing detail at their website quoted below:-
Sakura Cupcakes -

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