85 South - North Carolina BBQ Hits Kau U Fong

Price: $$
Cravingness: ★★★

Barbecue to me is a way to bond with friends and family. No matter it is a Cantonese style of BBQ or the American way, they both serve the same function. 85 South is a new BBQ shop at Kau U Fong who brought the North Carolina taste to Hong Kong. If you walked pass the area and smelled an irresistible aroma, that's definitely from 85 South.

I actually passed by the door front several times at Kau U Fong, but back then I thought it was a shoes store from the logo. Now I look again, it is actually the typical road sign design in US. The woods entrance with an illuminating door sign is very welcoming.

The interior of 85 South is very artistic with murals from different designers at both side of the restaurant. The owner aims to change the artwork display every few months to promote art. 85 South only offers counter service but there are several wooden tables and stools for seating. The ambience is chill and lovely, it is where you chat with friends on the street with a beer on your hand kind of restaurant.

The Menu is hand written on a chalk board hang on top of the counter where you make your oder.

Before we move on to the delicious smokey barbecues, I have to talk about the amazing sauces made in house. The three sauces features three different region's flavours. Starting with my very favourite SOUTH, which is a creamy honey mustard sauce. Seconded by EAST, a peppery vinegar based thin sauce. Last but not least WEST, a robust barbecue sauce with a touch of sweetness. They are all great sauces and I had difficulties in deciding which to pair with my food.

Here comes the seducing tray with smokey aroma. The mix tray consists of pulled pork, slaw and ribs. Looking simple, they were all VERY G.O.O.D. Let me talk more in detail below.

First I am gonna talk about my absolute favourite on the tray, the coleslaw (HKD50 as side). The slaw is very different from any slaw I have ever had in my life. My image of slaw would be the overly creamy and mayo overloading slaw from KFC or any fast food shop. 85 South's slaw totally changed my view! The slaw at 85 South is a traditional North Carolina BBQ slaw which is tomato based, juicy and savoury. Its was soooooooooo good, no wonder people are ordering just a whole tray of slaw to go!

My second fav would be the pulled pork. It was very tender with a smokey note. I love to pair the pulled pork with EAST, the honey mustard sauce with a tad of sweetness.

The ribs was very smokey and they are more lean than the typical ribs we found elsewhere. I like it with the South, the sourness and spiciness seems to bring out the smokiness more from the ribs!

Side - Chips - HKD50

The chips at 85 South was fat and crispy. I reckon it was best to go with the SOUTH sauce.

Mac and cheese

I am not a big mac and cheese fan, so I do not particularly bond with the dish. The roasted cheese crust was crunchy and was mildly cheesy. The macaroni was still chewy but was rather sticky.

Carrot Cupcakes

The carrot cupcake was tweeted to be the best in town, and I totally agree with the verdict! The carrot cupcake was moist and chewy with a lovely carrot aroma! There was also crunchy nuts on the cupcakes adding extra texture to the it The cream cheese on top was light and mildly sweet. I can totally finish half a dozen of them in one go.

Arnold Palmer - HKD20

The Arnold Palmer is a mix of ice tea and lemonade. They do not taste spectacular but ice tea is a beloved drink at the South so this make them feel like home. I do feel impress as they serve the Arnold Palmer on a RED CUP, which is super difficult to find in Hong Kong, not to mention it is crazily expensive.

Even though the food is simple and there are no amazing food plating, these are comfort and delicious food that I enjoy a lot. Thanks 85 South for bringing this amazing taste from North Carolina. I am seriously in love with the slaw and dreamed about it everyday.

P.S. They are having a Thanksgiving turkey special! I am definitely going 
P.S.2 You can leave message on the wall of their bathroom!

Food - ★★★
Service - ★★★
Ambience - ★★★☆☆
Overall - ★★★☆1/2

85 South
Address (E) 6-10 Kau U Fong, Central, Hong Kong
Address (C) 香港中環九如坊6-10號
Opening Hours: Mon - Sun: 11am - 11pm
Reservation Available? No
Walk In Possible? Yes
The Bill Per Person - HKD$180 (Dinner)

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