Roll | Cake Rolls

Passing by Tsim Sha Tsui I suddenly recalled this pretty new but famous cake shop at the hectic Granville Road. Having seen so many nice photos about the cake rolls, although it was really late at night, I figured I should go and grab some home for brunch in the next morning. This way I could buy more as I could share them with my family.

The store is pretty girly I would say. It is pink everywhere, if you looked up on the top left hand corner of the shop, you could even see a pink surveillance camera....YES, a surveillance camera in pink! If it is a webcam, I would definitely get one for myself.

Originally I wanted to buy a whole cake roll(18cm) as it was more convenient to bring back home. This Roll cake shop is funny in a way that they don't sell cake in a 18cm unless an order was made in advanced. I thought buying cake is a spontaneous thing, especially cake rolls. When do you see a person pre-order Sara Lee's Pound Cake before they actually got one? Anyway point made.

There weren't much choices left, only Strawberry, Chocolate Banana and Black Sesame were left. The sales girls said they had all flavors available at the start of the day and these were the left overs flavours. Although the word 'left over' sounded negative, I found the left over flavour choices pretty nice already. As they did not have any normal size rolls for me, I brought all the 3 flavours. When the sales girl put the rolls into the pretty poka dot take away box, I asked whether the rolls would move around as the box still seems pretty spacious. Just after the second I asked the question, she shook the box vigorously to prove the cake would only move at a small extend. I was in shocked at how she treated my rolls, I just want them to keep their nice shape before I took pictures at them back home.

1) Strawberry
Strawberry looked like those traditional cake rolls. A creamy yellow vanilla cake wrapped around some fresh cream and strawberries bits. The vanilla cake itself was tasty with a strong taste of vanilla. The fresh cream is extremly sweet while on the other hand the fresh strawberries were extremely sour! Yet the most magical thing happened to this contrasting combination, which the cake literally tasted better with the super sourness of the fresh strawberry bits. The sourness must had brought down the sweetness of the cream. The texture of the rolls is somewhat soso, not particularly smoothed and could be more fluffy.

2) Chocolate banana
This Chocolate Banana is scrumptious and very moreish. Chocolate and banana has always been the best combination of everything. The chocolate cake had a thick texture and gave a strong chocolate taste but lacking banana taste. The banana taste only lied on the thickly sliced creamy and moist banana in the middle of the roll. The chocolate cream was smoothed and mildy sweet. Thumb up for this yummy piece of chocolate banana cake. Its my mum's favourite out of the three too.

3) Black Sesame
I actually tasted this Black Sesame cake roll first as it gave the strongest smell among the three. Having a nice and light black sesame scent, the black sesame cake however did not give much a flavour at all. Once again, the cake relied on the black sesame cream which was smooth, thick with a a strong touch of sesame flavour. The cake's texture were more on the middle-to-hard side of sponginess. Loving the strong black sesame scent, this is a nice roll to have too.

G/F, Granville Mansion, 41C-D Granville Road, 
Tsim Sha Tsui
☏ 2191 9212

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